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News Update April 2019

Please help with WATCAC’s Tandem Bike Replacement Appeal.

WATCAC has been providing cycling opportunities for people with vision impairment for over 30 years and has helped many people join in mainstream cycling, on road-bikes, on track bikes and off-road mountain bike tandems. Members have gone on to achieve many significant outcomes including representing Australia at Paralympic events. As our primary focus is inclusion, our members have concentrated on participating in a variety of community cycling events such as the 300km Life Cycle for Canteen on-road cycle event.

WATCAC recently suffered a serious setback when four road-bike tandems and two hybrid tandems were stolen, significantly impacting our ability to provide cycling opportunities to our members.

Please support WATCAC by donating. Every little bit helps.

Also, we would be very grateful if you could share the link below with your friends and family. The more people who can help the better!
